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Aman Ali Khan 'Amar'
GharanaKhayal - Bhendi BazaarAman Ali Khan
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Chajju Khan
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Aman Ali Khan was a illustrious musician and a composer of his time. He has composed many compositions under the name of 'Amar'. Aman Ali was the son of Chhajju Khan who came from Muradabad, Uttar Pradesh and settled in the Bhendibazar area of Mumbai, hence the name the gharana. Aman Ali's music was especially noted for its rhythmic sargam patterns, for which he derived inspiration from Carnatic music. The great vocalist Amir Khan considered Aman Ali to be a major musical influence in his life. Khan saheb's disciples such as Vasantrao Deshpande, ShivKumar Shukla, Pandurang Amberkar, Ramesh Nadkarni and T D Janorikar kept the tradition alive after him.
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