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Jahoor Khan 'Ramdas'
GharanaKhayal - KhurjaJahoor Khan
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Before knowing about Ustad Jahoor Khan 'Ramdas', we should know his lineage, Khurja Gharana -

Khurja Gharana was named after Ustad Jodhe Khan, son of Ustad Naththe Khan of Delhi. He was born in the beginning of 18th century at Samser, a village near Delhi. He was court musician at ShimnaurGarh and at the end of life, he was settled at Khurja. Jodhe Khan's son Imam Khan was also trained under Shahab Khan from the same family and was in court of Rampur. Ghulam Hussain Khan was son of Imam Khan and after serving as court musician at Dankor, he came back to Khurja and died at his native place.

Jahoor Khan, son of Ghulam Hussain Khan born during circa 1848-50, got training in Dhrupad - Dhamar Hori, Khayal and also Chaturang, Triwat, Chhand-Prabandh, Sargam, etc. He used to composed with pen-name 'Ramdas'. He trained many disciples and his Bandishes were well-spread by them. He was not only a musician but was also a great poet having command over Brij Bhasha, Sanksrit along with Urdu and Phaarsi. He used to write poems with name 'Mumkin'. He mostly stayed in Khurja, but died in Bareli during circa 1920's.

His tradition was carried forward by his son Altaf Hussain Khan (born - circa 1873) who was equally knowledgeable as his father. He lived in Bareli, also went to court of Nepal for some time. Later on he spread music amongst his disciples in Bihar and Begal. He had two sons - Muhammad Wahid Khan & Mumtaj Ahmad Khan. Altaf Hussain Khan died on March 15, 1964.

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