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Krishna Chakraborty
GharanaKhayal - KiranaKrishna Chakraborty
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Nivruttibua Sarnaik
Vishnu Govind Jog
Bholanath Bhatt
Tarapada Chakraborty
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Krishna Chakraborty is a Hindustani (North Indian) classical vocalist par excellence. She was a child prodigy learning how to sing khayal at the tender age of six. She was groomed by the saintly guru of Kirana gharana, Pt. Bholanath Bhatt for seven years. After his guidance she continued her training under maestros such as Ustad Mushtaq Hussain Khan, SangeetAcharya Tarapada Chakraborty, Pt. Nivruttibua Sarnaik, Pt. V.G. Jog.

She has imbibed the various nuances of each gharana and has developed a unique style of her own. She is equally at ease singing Khayal, Thumri, Tappa, Dadra and light classical music. All over the world she has been met with praise and adulation from her mesmerized audiences.

Her music moved Swami Dharmananda so much that he christened her with the title, 'Sanatani,' which is another name of the Goddess Saraswati meaning eternal.

Krishnaji currently resides in London as a guru and performer.
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