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Srikant Bakre
GharanaKhayal - IndoreSrikant Bakre
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Pandit Shrikant Bakre was born in Nagpur on August 26, 1930. Pandit Manoher Barve of Nagpur gave him initial music lessons. At the age of 16, he shifted to Calcutta. He was highly influenced by the rendition of Ustad Amir Khan Saheb and then he became a formal disciple of khan saheb. Pandit Shrikant Bakre Ji's name comes at the second position after Pandit Amarnath Ji in the list of Ustad Amir Khan Saheb disciples.
At the same time, he had an open mind to adopt specialties of other Gharanas. He used to visit Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan Saheb also, whose influence is also seen in his rendition. In presentation of ragas, his selection of Bandishes was different from Ustad Amir Khan Saheb.
For some years, he worked for AIR in Nagpur. His sad demise came very early at the age of only 67, on 7th of July 1997 in Kolkata.

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